Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Exodus 4-5

At the crack of O'eight-clock, I got up, not having to go to work today. So I had a sweet hour and a half to spend in God's precious Word. And I did just that. Exodus 4-5 was my text, and many insights abounded.

1. God will always come and deliver His people, even when we question His timing. The people got angry at Moses when their work increased, Moses questioned God, but God's plan never wavered for an instant. He told Moses exactly what would happen and it came to pass. Because of God's plan they saw the greatest event of the Old Testament - the very Exodus from Egypt, complete with rising and falling walls of water.

2. Human hearts are insanely wicked. That is one of the main points of the Pentateuch. God gives the Hebrews His good words and laws and commandments and wisdom, and they rebel against Him and worship other gods. This is just like you and me and every person we've ever met. Apart from the heart-change that only God can bring, we are not simply indifferent to God - we hate God. This in particular caused me to pray for myself, our family, our friends, our church, and our world.

3. The story cries out for a goal, an end, a consummation. Though in Exodus we God's great deliverance out of Egypt, the Hebrews still later rebel. And the story of Israel continues throughout the Bible as the story of a largely unbelieving people. They are accursed and cut off from Christ (Romans 9:4f)! They need salvation (Romans 10:1f)! And so do we (Romans 3:9-20)! May we who hope in Christ bring many more with us to look forward to the day of final salvation from judgement, final deliverance into everlasting fellowship with God Himself, and final ending of all pain and sorrow for those who believe. My brothers, let us look forward to His return!

(Originally posted at old site 7/4/2006.)



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