Saturday, March 31, 2007

Kids In Mind

This link to has been down below on the right, in the links list under "Smart," ever since I started this site, but I had a conversation with a buddy last night that reminded me just how important it is to look ahead at movies before you take your friends, your wife, or your kids to see them. He rented a movie with his wife that they both squirmed and fast-forwarded through and regretted it later, and I have made the same mistake with my wife.

So, when you are considering whether to see a movie, go to Kids In Mind and read their review of it. They give three ratings, from 1 to 10, based on the movie's objectionable content - sex, violence, language - and let you decide its merit for yourself. It'll be worth the extra two minutes to keep you from seeing something you would have rather not seen.

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