Friday, February 29, 2008

American Idol, Sex, and True Manhood

I know, I know, you claim to never watch the television show American Idol because you are too spiritual. Or at least, the name just turns you off - I mean, who on earth is that honest about idolatry? (Well, the Bible calls us all to be, but that's not the point . . .)

Well, my wife and I find the show amusing, entertaining, and honest on several levels. And, yes, folks, even the Bible says we need a good laugh every now and then. So we watch it, mostly for its hilariously bad singing and its accurate take on modern American culture.

Thus, I wasn't surprised when I read about Bruce Dickson. At his audition, Dickson told the three famous judges that he had purposefully never kissed a girl and would not until his wedding day. After a couple of snide remarks from judges Randy Jackson and Simon Cowell, Idol host Ryan Seacrest closed Dickson's segment by saying, "Maybe next year he'll come back less a boy and more a man."

Dickson was not amused, and corrected Seacrest's wicked view of manhood by retorting, "A real man would rather wait than just do whatever with whoever."

Let us praise God for young men like Bruce Dickson who follow Him fully, even into insults. O that our high schools and colleges would be filled with them! That our young men would see visions of the true God and His true glory and turn from their dead idols to serve the living God!

(HT: Gender Blog)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey just wanted to say thank you for the GREAT post on Bruce Dickson. We put a link to it on the blog, He's still trying to pursue his career in music as well as spread the message of purity. And posts like yours mean so much!

4:37 PM  

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