Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Kris Lundgaard on the Fight of Faith

Kris Lundgaard has written (or rewritten) one book on John Owen's practical theology of fighting sin in the Christian life, The Enemy Within, and another on the life-changing power of seeing Christ, Through the Looking Glass. He recently spoke on these topics at Omaha Bible Church in Omaha, NE. I checked out his first session, and it was ultra-Biblical and helpful.

In opening, he says, linking the introductory story of a video game to our own lives, "I realized that skipping the story was actually a mortal error, because the story gives the objective, it gives the mission, it gives the context, it gives the goal that you're going after in the game . . . Without that story, without a sense of what you're going toward, you fight the same battles over and over again."

Later, he quotes Isaiah 40, telling us that God begins with the end in mind, and so should we. This is wonderful for me to hear, as I am in the midst of writing a long, difficult paper, not to mention living with indwelling sin. Amen to looking toward the prize in Christ Jesus.



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