Monday, April 23, 2007

Dear Nancy Pelosi

"This isn't really an abortion issue," said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, as she walked the Capitol on Friday. "That is what really saddens me about what the justices said. This is about a procedure that any parent would want her daughter to have access to if she needed it. And to frame it as an abortion issue is doing a disservice to medicine and to our young women and our country. So I hope we can get the focus back on the fact that this Supreme Court is deciding what medical procedures are necessary for child-bearing women."

Dear Nancy Pelosi,
In response to your quote in the San Francisco Chronicle about the partial-birth abortion ban recently upheld by the Supreme Court, these "child-bearing women" you speak of helping, are they bearing any children in the procedure that kills their unborn children? I'm not sure you understand what "child-bearing" means.

Britt Treece

(HT: JT through Denny Burk)

P.S. - Also note the liberal slant of the news articles. They spin the issue to be about "freedom" and "justice" for women rather than freedom and justice for all people. There are also some amazingly scary quotes in this article.

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